
We are a limited company. www.webbting.com is a site operated by The Webbting Ltd (“We”). We are registered in England and Wales under company number 15055142

To contact us, please email info@webbting.com

By using our site, you accept these terms

By using our site and service, you confirm that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our site.

  1. All websites unless determined in our quote will be built on windows/Linux based servers.
  2. WEBBTING cannot be held responsible for any client software interfacing issues, admin, sales, database etc.
  3. All deposits made are considered non-refundable, except in cases where the order is cancelled on the same day it was placed.
  4. The responsibility of complaints regarding websites we have produced or manage or any of our marketing communications we have actioned on your companies’ behalf, by any search engine, business, government body/agency or member of the public remain the legal responsibility of each client. If the complaint is raised with us WEBBTING will endeavour to put it right, within the terms of the marketing or SLA we have with you at the time of the complaint, if there is no active Marketing Plan in place you will be charged £60.00 per hour.
  5. Each client is solely responsible for any complaints, claims, damages, or other issues arising from the use of photography sourced for free from search engines or other similar sources. WEBBTING does not assume any legal responsibility in such cases.
  6. In the event of any website downtime, crash, re-direct, hacks, viruses, bugs, data/logic bombs, server failure, etc; WEBBTING will repair/reinstate or use the last backup of your website, if possible and within 72 hours (Monday to Friday excl Bank Holidays) of your site being reported as going down/hacked etc. Dependant on the agreement we have with your company at that moment in time the recovery/repair/reinstatement costs may be covered, if not and for hosting only accounts etc you will be charged at the team cost of £135.00 PH.
  7. WEBBTING cannot be held responsible for any lost sales or enquiries, perceived brand damage, website downtime etc. howsoever caused.
  8. WEBBTING reserve the permanent right to use your website for the purpose of marketing on their website, brochures, banners, backlinks and social media posts and award or competition entries.
  9. Termination of website orders by clients will result in payment obligations as outlined below:
    • No deposit refund unless cancelled within 24 hours of the signed order.
    • Week 1: 20% payment of the total original quote.
    • Week 2: 40% of the remaining balance (net of the deposit, if paid).
    • Week 3: 60% of the remaining balance (net of the deposit, if paid).
    • Week 4: 80% of the remaining balance (net of the deposit, if paid).
    • Week 5: 100% of the remaining balance (net of the deposit, if paid).

Content Creation & Creative work

  1. In the event of a client rejecting our creative work (website/brochure/video/3D presentation), the client will be given the option to provide specific guidelines or examples of desired creative elements. We will strive to closely emulate the provided specifications within the original quotation. If the client rejects our new or amended work, they are required to email us detailing their dissatisfaction and identifying the differences between their creative requirements and our presentation.
    1. If we find the client’s interpretation to be unreasonable, we retain the right to offer one final change to align with their creative direction. However, if this final change is also rejected, any further amendments will be subject to an hourly charge of £60.00. The cost will be quoted in advance of the work being carried out.
    2. If the client ultimately rejects all of our work after three attempts, we reserve the right to consider it as termination of our agreement, and the cancellation payment terms will apply.
  2. The client is responsible for signing off on each website creative, at which point they assume legal responsibility for any design similarities or perceived copy.
  3. During the creative sign-off process, clients will receive a partial working version of their website or graphic designs. They will have the opportunity to review, provide feedback, and request up to three significant changes. The client will be given a timeframe of 5 working days to sign off, unless otherwise agreed upon in advance.
    1. Once the website is creatively signed off, we will proceed to complete the project while maintaining the same style throughout each website page, unless otherwise agreed upon. While minor amendments are accommodated, there is a caveat that major creative changes, such as page re-styles, may be subject to additional charges at a rate of £60.00 per hour.
  4. Failure to provide content, images, case studies, or other requested materials within the agreed time period may result in the cancellation of your order by WEBBTING. In such cases, the cancellation terms outlined will be applicable.
  5. It is the responsibility of each client to supply the required content for their websites, unless otherwise stated or agreed upon within the order terms. Delayed submission of content or client information will automatically extend the overall project timeline by the number of days it is late.
  6. Unreasonable delays in providing content or images by the client can impact our production efficiency and cause delays for other client projects. In such cases, to protect the workflow of other clients, your project may be removed from the production studio or cancelled. You will be notified via email or other means regarding any production issues. In such instances, the payment terms specified will be applicable.

Marketing Services

  1. Our monthly management, marketing and advertising services are designed to help promote your website and business within the various search engines as well as help create social media engagement and community; it is not possible to guarantee results/business growth etc.
  2. We offer no guarantees or timelines for improved Search Engine Ranking Positions (SERPs) for your website or individual pages within your website.
  3. WEBBTING bear no responsibility for the performance, sales, inquiries, website metrics, brand enhancement/damage, social media platforms, third party sales platforms of any website or associated third party platforms/links (eBay, Facebook etc.) they have produced unless previously agreed in writing or proved delivered and read email.
  4. WEBBTING reserve the right to post articles on each client’s behalf unless specifically instructed, in writing or recorded delivered and read email, not to.
  5. WEBBTING will cross fertilise as they see appropriate your social sites/community/posts etc. with other clients.
  6. Once authorised, via our management plans, WEBBTING cannot be held responsible for any perceived or actual brand damage that may arise as a result of any of our services including website production/content/post/share/tweet/blog/advert/video etc.
  7. Our extended services include SEO, Email Marketing, Google Ads, Social Communications (Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Google my Business, YouTube etc) Social Advertising and Blogs; our efforts are guided and fully intended to comply with any current, known to us, UK Legislation. If for any reason our client services breach or do not adhere to current UK or EU Legislation, including GDPR, our liability will be limited to halting/removing any visible infringements/breaches etc, there will be no reimbursement of fees or compensation of any form. Any fines arising/prosecutions will remain the responsibility of each client.


All our Marketing, Advertising, Social, and SEO Plans are also subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Set up fees will be detailed on the relevant page.
  2. Minimum terms are detailed on the relevant page.
  3. Notice periods, unless otherwise stated or agreed in either email or via our proposal, is 60 days from acknowledged email or written notification.
  4. Results, whilst we are confident in our abilities, it is not possible to guarantee anything past quality enquiries or sales over a period of time. We accept no legal responsibility or offer any level of compensation for poor or overwhelming campaign results, sales, enquires and ultimately business growth or reduction.
  5. Brand, we accept no responsibility for any actual or perceived brand damage that may occur as a direct result of a communication/post or advert etc sent by WEBBTING on your business’ behalf.
  6. Communication style, ‘Tone of Voice’, where a client has detailed a specific communication (Post, Blog, Tweet etc) style, we will stay inside these parameters unless we are creating tactical comms for the purpose of Back Link building.
  7. Video productions will either be 100% original production, purchased & licensed footage, or smoothed photography. Editing, transitions, content, and call to actions are all original and produced in-house.
  8. Ad Spend, all except Google Ads, will be spread over the year, equally spread over 52 weeks, the values change and are detailed on our website. I Google Ads & LinkedIn, ‘Impression & Click Budgets’ are NOT included in our fees unless otherwise stated. We will recommend a click budget and once agreed, we will need your credit card to submit to Google for direct payment. It is important that there is always sufficient ‘credit card headroom’. If not, Google may close or suspend your ad account.
  9.  All advertising platforms, Facebook, Google etc operate very strict rules on what can be said and shown. These rules are evolving daily, and it is entirely possible that your ads could be suspended without notice. In this instance we use our best endeavours, relationship, and ability to make the necessary changes and reinstate your adverts. There is no compensation available from any of the advertisers if your business has been affected by their advert suspension/block or removal. Equally we accept no responsibility for any loss of leads/enquiries or sales as a result of advert block, suspension or removal or account closure etc.
  10. Payments are always one calendar month advance of the service; slow or late payment will halt the service unless otherwise agree in written/email communication.
  11. Payments are via bank transfer in UK sterling and In US Dollars for international.
  12. On termination or expiration of our contracted term for our Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn services, we are not able to copy or transfer any ads, analysis, keyword research or access to the advertising/admin areas.
  13. Google Ads and social campaign set up fees, are for the labour/skill in setting up the campaign and do not relate to the creation of the adverts or keyword research etc.
  14. WEBBTING Video Adverts are created for the purpose of advertising and remain the property of WEBBTING for the sole use of digital advertising carried out by WEBBTING. They are not transferable to clients or agencies. Any video adverts, that WEBBTING have produced, that have been posted on your social sites by us, can remain in-place but it is not permitted to lift/copy and/or re-use these video adverts.


Notice period are detailed below for clients wishing to terminate of any of our retained services. If we/you have agreed longer term contracts plus one-year etc, this will be detailed in either our proposal, your order or within email communications. In this instance, the notice period detailed below do not apply.

Notice Periods

All Inclusive Social Media Marketing & Advertising Services = 60 days
Termination notices must be made in writing or confirmed received email, which will count as the start date of your notice period.


  • Ownership of all websites and creative work, including logos and brochures, remains with WEBBTING until full payment is received.
  • WEBBTING does not provide credit terms. Any outstanding payments will result in the immediate suspension of our services. A minimum of 48 hours’ notice will be given via email in such cases.

Client Access to Social Platforms and Google Analytics.

  • Google Analytics: Clients have the option to grant access to their Google Analytics account, which is directly connected to their website.
  • Social Platforms: Access can be granted, upon request, for platforms such as Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Social accounts can be transferred to a new user/manager/administrator upon termination of our services. Except for Video Adverts produced by us, all other work can be reused.
  • Social Advertising: Access to the advertising area of Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social platforms is not possible.
  • Search Engine Ranking Position Reports (SERPs): Access to SERP tracking software is not available.

Table of Contents

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